In September 2015, 193 heads of state committed their countries to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), which consists of 17 points of social and economic significance that will prolong and improve life on planet Earth. Zero Waste Inc. has taken up the cause to be a champion of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our mission to solve the world’s massive waste problem and improve the environment by converting waste to useful high-quality products. Our goal is to be a positive agent of change via an environmentally efficient way to recycle tires, plastics, and other similar products with impactful results. To that end, we have developed a breakthrough technology for recycling used tires in addition to plastic, medical, and municipal waste. The commercialized process combines pyrolysis with its unique proprietary technology to repurpose these waste products into carbon black, steel, fuel oil, gas, and energy for power generation.
We have operated a commercial plant in Europe since 2009 that processes 8,000 tons of tires per year since and was selected by EU Cooperative Research Recycle Tire (CRAFT) as the “best available technology” for meeting CRAFT’s recycling objectives. In addition, Zero Waste has been chosen as the UN-SDG Impact Champion as the best technology for waste2energy.
The company is in process to roll-out additional plants to provide clean w2e solutions to as many people as possible worldwide in order to help make the world a better place for everyone.